Wave Action

A bright and sunny day, but breezy and still a bit chilly.  Managed to get some gardening done this morning.  Dug up dozens of young foxglove plants from the veg garden, where they had self seeded, and gave them to a very grateful neighbour who had just come round to borrow a jug of milk!  It's a friendly little village!  

Into town again today, this time for a hair cut and a dental appointment, though not at the same time or place!  As it's a 40 miles round trip, we don't often go more than once a week.  Stopped at the beach on the way home to take photos of the waves.

This is one of the Churchill Barriers: the road runs along the top of them and joins four of the islands together.  There is a sign before you drive across which warns you of strong winds and wave action, but today there was only a bit of spray.

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