Mum's Floral Tribute

I posted this piece on FB yesterday. Too tired to say more X

I really don't know where to begin. What a day! So many people made saying goodbye so special. Our wonderful church family who catered for us and more. Paul who led the service in such a personal and caring way and to his wife Elaine who paid tribute to Dad. The pallbearers, David, Phil and Martin who stood shoulder to shoulder supporting Richard, Howard and Andrew as they carried their Dad/Grandad. Rita who sang so beautifully from her heart. Rachel who read a favourite Psalm. Di who played some of Dad's favourite hymns and led our singing so well. To the people who took time out, some travelling many miles to be at the funeral, thank you. To our Pastors Jan and Steve for supporting us so sensitively. And last but not least, Andrew and Hannah, who fought through their tears to tell Dad's story of how he touched so many people's lives, not least those of his family, I am incredibly proud of you.

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