
Oh what an exhausting day. I am back to teaching highschool students. Woke up very early today to get to the uni before 8am. This meant waking up at 6am and leaving before 7am. It was a whole day of lecture and hands-on computer exercises. Talked from 830am to 3pm! Whew!

Spent the rest of the after until early evening at Liz's house with Cin. She bought a new set of sofa for their living room.

Oh the photo entry today is that of the GIMP software. I thought students how to blend multiple images today. They had fun making the background of these anime sample photos transparent. To those who are not familiar, the characters in the photo are Nobita (left) and Doraemon (right). Doraemon is a magical creature owned by Nobita. I am not quite sure if he is a dog or a cat. He could be anything for all i know.

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