Daisy Day

Daisy and I went for a lovely long walk along the beach today. We both really enjoyed it. Our way was blocked by this torrent of water running off the fields. Normally you can easily step over it but this was at least 10 feet wide and I didn't feel brave enough to try and jump it nor did I want Daisy getting carried away with the current. So We walked back and then past our usual route back in the woods, further along the beach the orher way. I hadn't been that way for a long time and the cliff falls had unearthed some lovely features. I've got some more pictures here and also a video of Daisy enjoying the soft sand. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/kxakdyw5q0lv9ct/AABolQ9s862qnE1MfeLMVa3Pa?dl=0

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