Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

We won!

I went to see my personal trainer this morning. Euan looked over my (physio) therapist notes. [NB: I now have a trainer and a therapist!] and we discussed a suitable routine, which was just what I was doing anyway, but he added a huge big ball that I lean back on and roll up and down the wall, bending my knees. Hard! The bike we will leave for a while.

I declared that I'd probably start and finish on the crosstrainer. Well, at the end of my session today I could only manage TWO minutes! So I don't feel guilty spending the afternoon on the sofa after all that activity.

Anne came to take Archie out for the day, while JR and I listened to our audiobooks. We were propped up on our respective sofas, tucked in our faux-fur throws, not unlike in an old folks' home. I found a box of Celebrations. Perfect.

I finished my Janice Galloway one this morning at six o'clock. I miss her. I've started a new BorrowBox book, 'The Photographer's Wife' but I'm not into it yet. I think I like autobiographies best.

TWO games of rugby this afternoon, with an exciting win for Scotland over the erstwhile All Black killers Ireland!

David Dimbleby, that stalwart of the BBC, on this week's Question Time (which we watched last night) referred to the MEP 'SAT' behind Nigel Farage holding a sign saying, 'He's lying to you'. I despair.

Photo credits to Anne today - this is her flatmate, Clement, who at first glance seems to be levitating.

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