The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

The elephant in the room ..

I wake every day afraid of what the news will hold in store. I can't believe the world I'm finding myself living in.

While caring for mum I was often on the verge of tears - these days - I'm a long way from 'the verge'. I don't think a day goes by without me weeping.

I thought Brexit was the end - but couldn't have imagined for one second the devastation and havoc that Donald effing Trump is wreaking.

I'm politically pretty ignorant - but you really don't need to be very clever to see the inhumanity of the current President of the United States.

I took Maisie to the park in the morning - did some chores then decided that if I have control over nothing else, I can at least try to give my dog a happy time, so I took her to the playpark.

Yet even there ...

I was chatting with someone I've known through doggy things for a while. I said how fed up I was about the state of the world. She however gleefully told me how she loves to watch the news. How things needed a shake up. How Donald Trump's a breath of fresh air.

I had to walk away.

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