Glory Days...

By emkingcol


Seriously, how difficult is it to look after an animal that is in a cage. Surely as long as you feed and water it, clean it out once in a while and give it a wheel to exercise on, it's job done. Just remember to close the cage after any of the aforementioned.

Unfortunately the numpties in my f*cking house can't grasp these basic tasks, well the last bit anyway.

So, I get a call from the wife. know the hamster we are looking after for a's gone. Unbelievable.

I get home from work and guess what...our very own hamster has gone as well. Incredible. Great to see the kids are learning the lesson about shutting the bloody cage.

By luck, pippin turned up this evening, although did a bolt, adding another half an hour to the catching process.

Sweetie on the other hand, is still at large. If she doesn't hand herself in by the weekend, I'm getting the cats in.

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