'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

Let me introduce...

... the juvenile Golden Plover.

I luckily stumbled across a small flock of 7 of these stunning medium sized waders whilst walking along the 2 Moors Way from Harford, nr Ivybridge.  I have included some extras - one photo which demonstrates how well camouflaged they can be and another couple of them in flight.

Quick edit - have just found out that these are very rare on Dartmoor and it is believed they have all but gone from the moors.  What a special sighting to have had today.

Three beautiful things:
A good 10.5 miles walk on the moors today making the most of the good weather - the rain literally started just as I got back to the car.  I carried on further along the path and came across the settling beds for a disused china clay pit which closed in 1933.  The remains were amazing to see and cover quite a large area.  They would make a great wild camp spot as fairly sheltered.  Redlake

Both dogs behaving brilliantly and knowing to not move an inch whilst I was taking the photographs of the Golden Plovers.

Warmth and comfort from the woodburner this evening - just perfect to relax and end the day with.

One thing to be grateful for:
Getting home before the sleet and snow this afternoon/early evening. 

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