
So far February has gone to plan, February's plan that is, no point in being nice to February, they are just about survival, although why February has to have that little reminder half way through, that day when junk mail ignores you, maybe it's a blessing. Not in a good place atm.
It's been a dull wet day up here in the part of the country no one really cares about.
My day involved having to go out to check over something that was not really of my doing, just guilty by association, but it's a team game, so I go willingly to see if I can identify where/what is causing the problem. Many people I work with are amazingly supportive, it's the least I can do, maybe I can make a difference. Not feeling very well is not doing me any favours just now.
Enough of my moans and groans
Hope you've all had a good day

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