This is not a tree!

I love trees. And I usually like them even more when a lot of them decide it's fun to stand together and be admired.... by people like me. But I have seen an awefull lot of them of late and they all seem to like the same colour. Maybe they think they will not be noticed by the creatures that nibble on them such as the huge Billy goat I saw on the Charming Creek track the other day.

Anyway I'm getting distracted by Billy goats. I had crammed enough images of trees to be able to count them if I couldn't go to sleep. So this is why I have posted this picture of the West Port Municial Chambers Building....variety.

Another fantastic, very full and long day. I started off with a very linear plan but I kept amending it. Which is great. I like to wing it even it does really stretch me to be better organised and to be more flexible in my thinking. Such as when I had to back track when the idiot running the show left some luggage behind. I think he is on his final warning before being demoted to swabbing the deck.

I drove the Buller Gorge because it is going to rain tomorrow, it was a surfeit of magjestic scenery. I went to Constant Bay and walked a track there. I had dinner out at Cape Foul Wind and walked most of the way around on a track I hadn't been on before. I have very fond memories of when i was last there. One of those nigths you never forget. Then i went out to the end of the Buller river mouth to watch the sun set. There is a fantastic break water to drive out onto.

I have one more thing i have wanted to do here before moving on. But time is starting to do up it boot laces and demand to march on after dwelling for a beer or two . Maybe it is good to leave something to come back for. I feel like I have made the most of my time here on the coast.


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