What a Job...

Today I took the kids to Roves Farm, its a great place for kids to have fun..

The tractor ride out is always entertaining and this trip was not a disappointment. The weeks theme was Sun Flowers...

So we arrive on the tractor and trailers to a remote part of the farm where the ladies ask the kids how do you make a sunflower grow.. there is just the green bin on the floor.. so the kids say you need a seed and they throw in a cardboard cut out of a seed, then they suggest soil so the ladies shovel in plenty of soil from a wheelbarrow... then food so they tip in 2 pints of water pretending its plant food... then water is needed and in goes a bucket full of water.... at this point my thoughts that there would be someone in the bucket are dashed as surely not as they have tipped in all that stuff.... but oh yes,,, out come two leafy hands and then the sunflower! This guy deserves a GOLD medal.... he then had more water thrown on him, got blasted by a massive toy water canon gun.... and sprayed with sprayers.. the grin remained.... they run this every 3/4 hr..... I hope he gets paid well... what a sport! The adults enjoyed it as much as the kids.... The two ladies were very entertaining too.

He has been there for a few years . I have him pictured with the boys in 2009 as the Easter Bunny! I think he stayed dry then but had to run around a lot with kids hanging off him!

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