And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

Bud giving snowy a carry...

Words with the nurse today over dad's care,  completely and utterly unavoidable mishaps. I was a carer myself from the age of 16 so I have seen ałot. I remember when hospitals used to be clean. Several times his medication has been on the floor. Blood and feces also have been found on lots of occasions. Don't get me wrong some nurses are lovely and genuinely care but more don't give a monkeys. The other day he had no water or bedding whats all that about!?  The nurse could see I was upset today and asked how I was. She then told me how non-compliant dad was.... What utter rubbish poor poor dad. He just can't be rushed he has dementia for goodness sake he needs time. I know the nurses don't have much time but still. I told her I just wanted dad settled in his new nursing home she said yes if they can cope with that was my day

Love c xxx

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