Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Macho man

Yeah 'cos I am so Alpha Male me ...

Having said that I am developing an interest in DIY (out of necessity when you live in a house that is 112 years old and needs constant maintenance). But also enjoying the whole zen thing that goes with it; I am very mindful and try to channel the inner artisan. Today's job was tiling under the kitchen window, an unfinished job from when we had a new kitchen installation in 2014.  Have to say I am pretty pleased with my efforts ...

TSM was working alongside me on a similarly tricky but culinary construction (see extra). The only way I can describe this is that it is a mezze cake; there is everything in there you might find in a middle eastern or Eastern mediterannean cafe - humous, couscous, grilled veg, babaganoush,  harissa - have to say it was absolutely gorgeous. Really lovely after all the hard work of the day. 

As for the rest ...

Not surprised to hear the that the Universe is really a hologram - I always knew things were a bit odd and that reality didn't quite stack up ... 

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