My 2015

By Clairy

Plans never go to plan

Last night the nurse telling me Grandma was moving in the morning at 9.30, I was cross that no one had told me but very happy on the other hand. I agreed with work to take a couple of hours off to greet her when she arrived. Got to work early and at 9 rang the hospital to make sure all was well for her discharge and it wasn't, problem with the patient transport and they had to re book for the afternoon, that then changed again to late afternoon. Sadly I couldn't meet her as I had a meeting in Bourne so wasn't close by and Steve needed to be home for Jack from school. I went after work to see her, as you can see she is in but was confused as expected and very tired. She had her tea then left as they got her ready for bed. She seems to like it and said the staff are lovely, which they are.

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