Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

Eithne @ Sandymount

My good friend Eithne and I went on a photo-shoot to Sandymount today.  It lies on the coast, south of Dublin City.  Eithne is a seasoned photographer and has a gi-normous camera that weighs a tonne.  She is the best of company.  She hails from North Dublin - a town called Balbriggan.   She and I are best buddies.    Eithne wears clothes that are made in Ireland and always fairtrade.   She is wearing the most beautiful hand knitted long cardigan/jacket in heavy wool in a beige/oatmeal colour which was made in Donegal.   
Afterwards we went for a very long lunch in Mulligans of Sandymount and we chatted and laughed until nearly 5pm.  
She doesn't know that I snapped her snapping the two towers - ha ha Eithne, gotcha !

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