fluttering butterfly

By butterfly

Tea Party!

Tomorrow is the girl's 9th birthday!! But its also the first day of school. So today I took them to Moe's for lunch and gave them their present from me. It was a back pack with school supplies and two outfits one came with a set of matching doll clothes. They loved it. I also let open the presents they gave each other. I had taken Autumn to the store first and I had suggested a tea set for Amber. They got one a few years ago that she loves it is now missing a couple of pieces and the pieces are 5 inches and smaller . Autumn loved the idea of the tea set so thats what she got her. As soon as we got home she went and told Amber who was upset because she did not want another tea set. Now its time to take Amber to the store to get something for Autumn. This was not fun at all!!! First we go to toys r us and she did not find anything she liked for her, I saw a ice skating barbie I thought she would like but Amber did not want to get her that. Next store is Michaels, there is nothing there at all. No craft like kits she liked so we go to Kohls. Not sure why we went there but that store did not have anything either. So back to the car and drive to Target. We walked the toy section over and over again she is finding stuff for herself not her sister!! Then we go to the clothes what she is picking out was fugly!! and Autumn would not wear it! So we go to the craft section no luck there either. Its now about 8 pm I am exhausted and frustrated and starving. Now we are at A.C. Moore walked that store and she did not find anything but I found a Spa science kit that I think she would like . At first she did not want to get it then she wanted to get two!! One for Autumn and one for her because she still did not want the tea set!!! at this point I was like fine and was willing to return the tea set tomorrow because she really did not want it. By the time we got home it was really late and I was to tired and hungry to do the whole wrapping the gifts thing so I saved that for today. When Amber got up this morning she went through the shopping bags while I was still asleep. She saw the tea set and was excited!! She thought it was going to be tiny like the other one thats why she did not want it!! So one of the spa science kits went back and she kept the tea set!! This picture is of the girls waiting for the tea to be ready!! They are excited that they can actualy use them with real stuff!! (Amber is the one with the purple head band on)

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