
After a four hour drive yesterday, we have arrived in southern Florida.  This morning I was up before sunrise to head out to the Green Cay Wetlands which are only 6 miles from here.  It was a fabulous morning, with beautiful early sunlight and an incredible variety of birds, as well as photographers, bird watchers and walkers.  In fact, it was a bit too busy for my taste, so I have made a note to myself to go again during the week when it will likely be less crowded. I had a a hard time choosing my blip, so I have loaded my first runner-up in the extras.  The rest can be seen here on Flickr.

Many thanks to all of you who sent my Roseate Spoonbill to Page One with your generous stars and hearts.  At one point it was nestled between WRPerry’s blip and TreeHugger’s (my blip soul sister and my real sister) which felt very good and ultimately it landed next to blipstar Rainie’s 2500th.  I feel very honored.  

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