Grandson B finished his secret project -- a present for his dad, D -- this morning. It's the logo for the University of Washington, D's alma mater. It was well received by D.
It's hard to say whether B was more excited about finishing his dad's present or the rubber band shooter, but it's safe to say that he was very happy. He'd come prepared with ammunition for the shooter -- unfortunately, the rubber bands were too long. Grandpa rummaged in one of his workshop drawers and found a bag full of ones that were just right. Sometimes it doesn't take much effort to be a hero.
When I was an engineer, my colleagues used to shoot rubber bands at each other to relieve the occasional boredom stress. We didn't need fancy guns -- we stretched the bands between the right forefinger and thumb, which served as the trigger. I must remember to teach B that important skill -- he might need it in his career.
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