Canadian magnet

You know ... the one for the fridge.  We actually have two fridges.  This is the older one.  We were still renting a house and the fridge broke down, so of course we bought another.  About six months later, hubby's parents decided to accept the room being offered at the nursing home.  They'd already turned down several offers because they wanted to live in their own home as long as they possibly could but finally had to give in because of my f-in-law's failing health.  When they moved, we bought their house -- this one we're trying to sell.  That meant 'inheriting' the fridge they already had.

Can't you tell it's a grey day and I'm trying to make conversation?

Spent time doing the Management & Organization MOOC and trying to relax.  My tendonitis is acting up, maybe due to lifting all those boxes.  They're not really all that heavy, and some more so than others, but, well, it's something I don't normally do everyday.  Sometimes I wish I was one of those 'big fat mammas' with thick muscles.  Hubby is glad I am not.

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