Ice ice baby

We went to playgroup this morning. We haven't been yet this year as we always seem to have something else to do on a Monday. We had a nice time. A found all his favourite cars and trains to play with. He enjoyed running around with another little boy. I even got him to the craft table and we made a roman helmet. He never wants to do crafts so this was first today. On the way back to the car we had a look at the icy puddles. He loved smashing the ice and feeling how cold it was. He then wanted to bring some home and didn't understand why I said he couldn't...

P was back to rainbows this evening. She enjoyed the valentines crafts and when we went to pick her up all the little rainbows sang happy birthday to me! I was quite surprised and the leader explained that P told them all that my birthday was on Valentine's Day so they decided to mark the event for me tonight, as it's half term next week. Thank you little rainbows, it made my night.

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