Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Three Bridges across the Forth

Sunday was Spokes Ride day. 10 people cycled to Linlithgow in West Lothian. There was some early morning rain, but this has cleared northwards. It feels cold, but not freezing.

For a leisure ride, we make very good time heading out. This is because I keep the pace slow and steady. That means no one gets too cold. As we head out of Edinburgh along the National Cycle Route, we get a glimpse of the sun, and the temperature climbs a little. In fact we get to Cramond Brig before 11, not bad for a Spokes Ride.

We head out to Kirkliston along Burnshot Rd, the sun decides to give up and hide behind a cloud for the rest of the day. There's not much wind today, so we arrive in a compact group. Time for a quick bite to eat and drink before continuing through Kirkliston and on to the back road through Overton to Niddrie.

As we cross the canal, the shout goes out "Puncture". Good job we're making good time. Fortunately, the person has a spare inner tube. I get a nice shot of Niddrie Castle, Extra, now fully restored.

It doesn't take long to get going again, so its through Niddrie and Winchbirgh to Faucheldean, and the nice easy climb to the B8046. Then on to the Ochiltree Road. The usual stops at Wester Ochiltree as it is a gradual climb, then the nice roller-coaster road to the top of Linlithgow at Dark Entry.

We get to Linlithgow just after 12:30. By the time we have locked up our bikes, its to the Four Mary's for lunch.

After lunch, we head up to Kingscavil, turning left and heading to Philpstoun and Station Rd. Once under the motorway, we cross the A road and on to the cycle path for 1km, turning left on to Abercorn Rd, down to Abercorn and accessing Deer Park Rd on the Hopetoun Estate  at the Blue Gate.

The road is mainly tarmac, until the road heads north and we have to take a muddy track to another gate. We're back on tarmac. Where the estate road rejoins the public highway, we stop to admire the now three bridges that cross the Forth. The new Queensferry Crossing is not open yet, but on Friday the last gap was closed. All that is required is the road deck and a bit of a barrier to prevent people driving off the bridge.

The sun has not made another appearance in the sky, and the temperature has dropped down to 2degC. We cycle to South Queensferry, then up to the viewing platform for the bridges. We then follow cycle route back in to Edinburgh to Dalmeny. We follow Main St to the B924, and the cycle path along the B road and A90 to Cramond Brig.

From here to Roseburn, people peel off as we cycle back in to Edinburgh. At the end of the ride at Russell Rd, there's only 5 of us. The cloud is making the evening a bit darker than is called for. Lights on, its time to head home. 60.66km all in on today's ride.

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