University Challenge
Hello, I'm Clarissa Dale and I'm reading Literature
Hello, I'm Farquhar Smith and I'm reading Politics
Hello....err I'm err Jeffrey Boyle and I'm reading Mathematics and Nuclear Physics
Hi, yeah I'm Sky Goddard and I'm reading Environmental Sciences
You used to be able to ring up the doctor's surgery and book an appointment at any time. There was a big diary where they pencilled you in on that day or a day in the future. Nowadays you can only phone between 8 and 11 to get an appointment on the day and I don't know what the rules are for one on other days....anyway you have to be ready at the strike of 8am to start ringing. You have to keep redialling until you get through to an automated voice, then when you are successful you join a queue. I set my alarm to make sure I was awake. Well....I woke up, I eventually got through and I got an appointment.
I decided to walk there and arrived just in time. It looks like I have a cyst behind my knee...buggeration....but I need an ultrasound to check. I've got super strength pain killers and Naproxen for now.
I also managed to get a cancellation slot for a blood test...I was on the other side of a needle for a change.
I nipped in to see Avril on the way home and then I spent the afternoon chiiiiiillllllliiiing! It was 9pm before I remembered I needed to take a pic.
After yesterday's shenanigans on the stairs I decided to do another tv show....I think I'm just having a relapse after stopping Film Star Friday.
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