The second half of life..

By twigs

Seagull Sun

A busy day - aren't they all?

Today I've felt like someone (or something) was taunting me - tying some time to the end of a string then, just as I was about to capture it pulling it away. Like playing with a kitten and a length of string. Net result - I've spent the day chasing time but not capturing it. In so doing at least I've managed to knock a few smaller, naggy tasks on the head.

Just the big ones still to do. The one I was chasing the time for. Marking :(

Actually, I've just had a thought - maybe the string-controlled time wasn't being pulled away from me but rather I was magnetically repelling it. knowing how much I dislike marking I wouldn't be surprised to find this was the case . . . . . . . if I don't have the time I can't do teh marking.

Hmmmmm . . . . .

Anyway, as I said, I managed to get a good few smaller but important tasks done and am feeling pretty much up with the play in preparation for my week away next week.

Had chiropractic appointment in town after work - seemed like a good session :) Back has been feeling a lot less 'angry' this past few days so that's good.

Did a lazy takeaway tea which I bought in town after my appointment then went and sat on the waterfront to eat it as the sun went down. This wee chap (and about 2 dozen of his mates) waited patiently for me to feed them some scaps but they were out of luck - don't want to encourage obesity, diabetes or laziness in the seagull population now do we?!

Finally found some time at home this evening and did some of that dreaded marking. I can see that the rest may well be going away with me next week!

Ok - bed-time.

G'night :)

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