The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Oh dear!

My journal is slowly turning into a series of terrible photos of Maisie and friends at the play park!

This beautiful creature is Dickens - a very big Tibetan terrier. Maisie and he had a fab time playing.

We went twice in one day! I've been trying to be more relaxed about things with Maisie - but during the second visit there was a small boy (about 7/8 years old) running about with hot dog treats in hand, trying to tempt the family Great Dane puppy to play with him. Their dog (Bella) wasn't remotely interested - but Maisie was.

I always get a bit edgy about Maisie and kids - she's fine unless they're too boisterous or grab at her .. she runs towards them, barking and will chase them if they run away (often screaming!)

Maisie and the boy (James) seemed fine - though I had a word with his parents - who very calmly said if anything went wrong, it would be their son's fault!

I told him the various commands she knew and he loved asking her to do things (his puppy ignores him) and treating her when she did as asked - and she loved running about with him.

A happy time was had by all and no children were harmed!

On the other hand - should I be teaching her *not* to chase small boys?!

Complicated, innit!

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