... a cool change and some good rain!!

Life just does not get any better after the rotten heat wave, but guess what? You guessed it... the hot 40 deg C plus is is forecast to return for the weekend!!!

Oh well, made for a good tiny shot at least. This shows the rain and some "splatter" on a fence.

As we came back home late morning spotted a couple of black cockatoos flying into a bunch of pine trees. Even with rain stopped to see if I could check out whats doing? Well found them, in extra, and they were into devouring the tops of the trees. The rain was pretty heavy so we have some sparklers as well!

 They really are a sign of rain, and Sydney city copped a whack this morning with some 40mm in and hour around the airport area., so nature shows again.

Enjoy, and have a look in LARGE

... and thanks to wrperry for hosting

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