Metal Fatigue

Alfie had his braces fitted today. They haven't put the wire on the top set yet. that pleasure is being saved for half term.
The bottom ones are, however, fully functioning and the poor chap is already in a lot of pain. When he got back from school, he took some paracetamol and then fell asleep on the sofa for a couple of hours.
He attempted some fish and mashed potato tonight but it took him ages. Most of it went to the dogs.
What's even worse (for him) is the long list of food and drink he has to avoid; fizzy drinks, fruit juice, squash, sweets, anything chewy (like toffee or caramel). 
He's obviously not too sore to shout at people on the X Station Playbox so he's retired to the other room while  D nips down to the co-op to stock up on rice pudding.

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