
Woke up early on purpose as a way of preparing for the new school quarter, where my classes all start at 08.30.  Not in the mood to whine.  Let's just get on with it.  Since I was already up, turned on both dishwasher and washing machine, did some meditation, then got in the car to take some dawn shots.  This is at Hellegatsplein.  Can you see the three little ones? 

Got back home, made hubby's coffee and had breakfast, then sat in front of the computer.  Early afternoon and hubby comes down and asks when I'm going to the supermarket.  There was something in his tone that made me snap.  This happens once in a while.  It could be that I hear something that isn't really there, or there is something there but I make it larger than it really is.  Jumped up from the computer, snatched my purse, shopping bag, and car keys, and was out before I could say something regretful.  Did the errands and I was okay again by the time I got back.  He was watching TV but had written me a note, which I acknowledged.  I wasn't upset with him as much as I was with myself.  We must have both been more tired than we thought. 

Thought I'd take a nap but knew it would ruin my sleep later on, so stuck to it and did my Management & Organization MOOC for this week, with dinner and NCIS in between.  We were both in bed earlier than usual, which was as I wanted.  A full week is waiting and all my improvisation skills will be needed.

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