Hill Top Ramblings

By janepetleyjones


A cold , clear evening, what better than to stand out on the fells?
We heard that there is a great murmuration to be seen up near Sunbiggin Tarn. Something I have always wanted to experience so off we went.
As we arrived the crowds were gathering and we squeezed into a parking space, and went to stand up on the open fell, waiting for the sun to set along with around 50 other people. At first there was nothing to see but the finely lit hills in the light of the setting sun. Just as the sun dipped below the horizon the first small group of 12 starlings crossed the sky heading west.
Another group soon followed, then more, joining into a flock of around 100.
They moved off into the distance but more and more appeared, all moving away from us until we could barely make them out.
Then a very large group came streaming in from the east, and another from the north. They joined up, and the distant flock came streaming back until the sky over the nearby plantation was filled with swirling movement. As darkness began to fall the wonderful diving and flowing waves began to happen, with maybe 300,00 birds moving in harmony. They circled tighter and lower over the trees and then suddenly began to drop in to roost, and in a matter of moments they had gone, though we briefly heard them calling goodnight!

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