Resistance: Capitol Hill Style
We spent today visiting our Senators and Congress people. Fortunately the five legislators we visited were all Democrats. The one Republican legislator in one of our districts didn't return our calls regarding a visit. We talked about education and workforce training and asked them what information they needed to bolster the cause for stable funding.
It was busy day wandering the underground maze between the Sentate and House buildings. Our legislators and staff were very supportive and interested.
Every legislator has an office, and this was the front door of Andre Carson's, of Indiana. He is the second Muslim to be elected to office. Here is a link with a bit of background:é_Carson
At the end of our visits we received a tour of the Capitol and sat in Senate chamber listening to testimony from Senator Patrick Leahy (D) Vermont talk about why Jeff Sessions is unfit to serve as Attorney General.
Although it was expected that Betsy DeVos would be confirmed for Secretary of Education, heck she paid a lot of money to a lot of people to get the job, it was still a disappointment.
Tomorrow is a visit to some of the Smithsonian Museums and then back home. It was 71 F in DC today, and back home the college was closed due to snow. My husband said the area received 6 inches, with several more predicted for tomorrow!
Thanks for your comments, stars and hearts for my recent blips of this trip to DC.
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