
By cowgirl

All the best jobs ... !

Sav came to help at the flats today. He was going to tidy up a little area around two new drain covers. I don't know what made him open them up but when he did, he found they were backing up. Two months ago this caused a flood in the cellar. Not good news then, that it's happening again so soon, especially as there's hardly much toilet activity yet, as none of the flats are occupied. Anyway, he unblocked it and suggested someone with the appropriate equipment, i.e. a camera designed to be pushed into drains to check them, would be a good idea.

Meanwhile, I painted and the Chuckle Brothers plastered.

When I got to my afternoon job there was a cow calving so I called my boss, who was in the house having his lunch. I saw the calf was backwards and suggested the calf should be pulled sooner rather than later. He called his friend to help, but his mum wanted a vet present so she called one. Sadly the calf was dead, so I've deleted the photos I took and had planned to blip of the delivery and instead you have another picture of the lovely Bluebell #402 ( or thereabouts! ).

We are a horse down as one of the youngsters ( Peter ) got collic yesterday and had to be taken to the vets. On the way back, a young lady driving a Merc managed to not see a very large horse truck infront of her on a straight road and ran into the back of them. Luckily, no-one was hurt, but the Merc didn't make it. It's touch and go with the truck.

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