Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Hormonal Hammering

Went a long way today to sit amongst strangers and bang the heck out of some brass and copper with some hammers. And Tess came too on my rainy road trip down to Arbroath's Heather Cottage Crafts workshop. Tess was obsessed with making wee charms with the word Venus on them while I accidentally made a double pendant (which I'm secretly chuffed about because my creativeness is usually incarcerated and prefers to spend it's time procrastinating about staging protests with placards in the left hand side of my brain). The big idea was to start me thinking about what to do with the beach combing treasure but it looks like metal banging and metal sawing is not for me... I loved it but got shooting pains going up my fingers within minutes of getting stuck in that are still happening over a week later....maybe because I was gripping everything for dear life. But now I know how some of this stuff is done, and so does Tess, who was telling all the wifies about what she gets up to in Art.

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