Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Way to go...

The continuing saga of my 'tidying up' continues. it's actually great fun 'cos I keep finding things that I'd forgotten I had!

For example this selection of bus brochures and flyers goes back as far as 1948 and was part of a job lot I picked up at a bus rally a few years ago.

Lots of long gone operators listing their wares; Orange Bros sold out to United Autos in 1949, Baldwin and Barlow ceased trading in the mid-60's, Bell's of Westerham - I can't even remember!

Lovely artwork and typography from an era when everything was done in hot metal Linotype and Monotype machines and artwork from the hand of an artist at a drawing board who's most up-to-date piece of kit was a Rotring Pen!

Ah, those were the days.

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