The Wren

By TheWren

Ambitious or what?

The forecast had suggested the morning would be the best time today so I had a fairly early - for me - walk with the dogs. It was very, very wet and soggy underfoot but it wasn't until we were just 100 metres from the car that the first rumbles of thunder echoed through the hills.

I noticed that the foxgloves were looking very stark against the grey sky with the attractive purple flowers completely replaced now by the autumn toned seed heads. The stalks were looking very majestic towering above the ferns and bracken but as I stopped to take a couple of photos I noticed, to my amazement, that there was a huge black slug clinging on to the top of one of the tallest. I could crop this so that you could see the slug better but I feel that a wider view gives you more perspective of how high he had slithered. Furthermore I don't think anyone really wants a close up of a slug any more - we have seen too many of them this summer!

Back home and the heavens opened but it was nothing to what came later in the afternoon. Thunder claps were followed very quickly by lightening - or was it the other way round? Anyway 20mls of rain suddenly plummeted down in a very short space of time and I came the nearest I have ever been in the long time I have lived here, to being flooded. Over 50 mls of rain has now fallen here since Monday. While checking the level of the burn which runs alongside my garden, I did pause to wonder if the slug was still clinging to his
high perch!

I hope no-one has actually suffered flood damage today and thoughts go to those in the path of Hurricane Isaac.

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