The Professor

The snowstorm currently hitting the Northeast passed us by, so I was able to get outside this morning to look for a blip.  It's my favorite way to start the day.  We have several Carolina Wrens in our yard this year, probably due in part to the dried mealworms I've been putting out there.  They look like little wise professors to me.  I was trying to figure out why today, and I think it's the tweed jacket.  Also it looks like there should be spectacles on that beak.  They would have no problem amplifying their voices to be heard in the back of the room -- a lot of noise comes out of that little bird body.

So.... I have reviewed all of the Tiny Tuesday shots for this week, and there sure are a lot of great ones.  There were quite a few mono images due to the coinciding challenge, and I was amazed by some of the new techniques that were described.  It's painful to have to narrow it down like this, but here goes.  TT hearts go to, in no particular order:

DelenaJane for the flower drop reflection
Skeena for perfect subject placement and DOF
lizellen for composition and color (and effort!)
SherriM for snail detail in mono
DawnP for using macro to see beyond the naked eye

Honorable mention should go to many, many more, but if I have to narrow it down:


Thank you for participating in the challenge.  Join us again next week.  The tag will be TT90.

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