A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Disco Night

The young carefree one has headed off to her last school disco with her friends.  Nails have been painted and flashing hair pieces have been fitted and the Magic 8 ball has been interrogated to death about which boy should be going with which girl*. 

I am having the opposite of a disco night as my body has taken the hit for the week's decisions and the aftermath of their implementation and I am only fit for collapsing on the sofa and not joining my friends for dinner as planned. A day of handling things and the stopping working deadline has been passed.  I wasn't really prepared for how stressful that would all feel and the array of emotions involved. But given my theoretical working world involved being on my own in the house for 35hours a week and actually involves zero it really is a no-brainer. And it is a very good sign as the increased pressure has come from J being able to do so much more and therefore requiring more from us. We've just been a little frogs in water about the whole thing and not realised it had started boiling. 

So, big sigh. We are out of the water. We can all have some precious headspace and we can make sure we have maximum focus on getting the boy back into action without neglecting disco girl.  Who, I'm predicting, will return home very hyper and in need of her own headspace to come back down. 

If you read as far as this then you are either bored, insane, or indulgently kind. Whichever it is I thank you and blip for being a place for me to blether on. I'm sure it helps my sanity somehow. 

Lesley x

*"ugh, yuck, none of them" seemed to be the general tone

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