Rugby this morning, which was much enjoyed and CyclopsJnr continues to be able to match colours so that new skill seems to have stuck.
The bus we got home stopped by a park so we had a go of that for a bit, although it was *freezing*!!! That particular park now seems so small - I remember when CyclopsJnr first used to go there and it was the first park where he could use the equipment. Now I think he's too big for most of it. It is no longer a challenge, certainly.
Home for Paw Patrol (a new favourite), lunch and a nap.
This afternoon we put on a lot of clothes and went along to Lauriston Castle grounds. We took the scooter, but also generally had a wander about. CyclopsJnr was talking about ice cream and babies, and I realised he was describing another time we were there back in September! I showed CyclopsJnr a very spiky pine cone (?? well you know what I mean) from a monkey puzzle tree and he asked if it was a hedgehog. I said it wasn't, but he gently placed it on the ground and said "hedgehog come out now?" Aw. He also got entangled in a bramble and had to be rescued by MrsCyclops.
Here's a selfie of us at Lauriston Castle. He is, of course, saying "cheeeeeeeese". Hence the tongue.
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