Migrant in Moscow

By Migrant

Famous for Camomile

In Croatia, everyone drinks Camomile, I'm told, and for all kinds of healthy motives, both preventive and curative. Normal black tea has apparently little traction in the country;  in contrast, coffee drinking is almost a religion.  Croatia is famous for its Camomile (correctly speaking, camomile is a 'herbal infusion', not a tea).

I see that Twinings, who have been in tea since 1684 according to their website, and must know a bit about hot drinks, think that Camomile from Croatia is the best that they can find in the world: ".. the perfect camomile infusion has a lovely clear golden hue to its colour and a floral, honeyed flavour; qualities that we eventually found in plants in Croatia after visiting various parts of the world."  I learn something new every day.

The image is taken near Pitomača, near to the Hungarian border.  The mist clung to the ground all day so that, in spite the very scenic surrounds, it was not a great day for photographs.  The extra blip is a close up of Camomile being sorted.

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