It's Taking Over!

Even larger!

Today I'm very, very tired, having had a rubbish night trying to get to sleep - I'd tried getting up to have hot milk at about 2:15 with little effect and last looked at the clock at 3:40am. As a result I had about 3 and 1/2 hours sleep, didn't hear my alarm properly and surfaced about 1/2 hour late - which resulted in rushing around like a headless chicken to try to make up time, and getting to work 15 minutes late. Not good.

Lunchtime I was able to get out for a blip hunt in County Hall grounds, so decided to pay a visit to 'the Ents' to sit between their roots awhile and chill in the fesh air, and review the big bracket fungus I blipped on the 22nd. Wow, has that fungus grown in both height and width - in just one week! Also not good. This is what it looked like on the 22nd. I wonder what it'll look like in another week? I really am now a bit concerned for the wellbeing of that Ent ......

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