Tudor Rose

By TudorRose

Ying & Yang

Playing with light today. Self portraits, I am pleased that neither actually look anything like me! Well maybe when I was in my 20's... That is the beauty of Photoshop.

Exciting day, we had an electric storm, it was a sight to see. Missed every bolt of lightning there was, Nada, Zip, Nowt. It was still very exciting and exhilarating. One was so close that it made mine and Alex's (my son) ears pop, we both screamed very loud! Closed the french doors and re-evaluate the situation. Once we had thought it through we opened the doors once more and screamed some more! Life is after-all about living. I was sad however that D missed the storm, I am always braver when he is around.

D is also putting a self portrait on tonight, we are about to go and mess around with the flash gun! Excitement again!

Prays for another storm, please give me a storm tonight so I can keep the shutter open.

Word for today:
vivificate - To give light too; Animate; Revive

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