
By Cr055ie


Decided quite late on to try and capture a shot for my 52 week challenge.  Artistic Candy.  I had great fun playing in the toy box again and trying all the different sweets i had bought.  Try to photograph  it and tasting them.  I took a view shots I was quite pleased with, and even more that were epic fails.  I decided to use this photograph of a lego boy bouncing on a giant American marshmallow - took six bites to eat one!!!  The reason I choose this wasn't;t because it was the best, but because it was the one I tried out a new skill with.  The little man was actually held in place with a cocktail stick threaded through a smaller marshmallow and I edited them out.  I'm not that well practised at editing.  In fact I'd go as fa as saying I am a bit of a purist and prefer my shots straight out of the camera normally, but I did think the editing actually  added to this shot.

Constructive feedback welcome. 

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