That Will Do!

By flumgummery

Falls Of Toce

Backblipped for 1st July

Our host informed us about a huge waterfall, which forms part of a hydro-electric scheme on the River Toce, that only runs on holidays and certain weekends - including this weekend. Naturally we had to see so headed off up the Antigorio Valley. Unfortunately, at Baceno there is a narrow bridge over the river and two cars coming in opposite directions had collided, blocking the entire route up to the Fomazza Valley; neither vehicle backed up, nothing moved, not even the motorbikes could get past and a long tailback quickly formed. We turned and pootled up an adjacent valley for half an hour or so until the traffic was moving again.

The water drops 143 metres, and spreads out at the bottom to a breadth of 60 metres; although it can be glimpsed briefly from the approach road the main viewing area is from the bridge at the top as the river flows below, however it is possible to climb around the sides for a different view, as long as you don't suffer from vertigo.

We didn't linger long among the spray and the crowds but continued to a restaurant (witnessing the arrival of a rare old Aston Martin), set by a field of pink orchids and meadow flowers, then drove to the dam and walked up to the reservoir itself. Afterwards we stopped downstream for a long view of the complete fall but my battery was dead.

The return drive was uneventful, not a mark on the bridge to show what chaos it had caused.

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