Wind Farm

I had grand plans for this blip, as we have a nearly full moon and it is clear I was hoping I'd be able to get some sort of dramatic shot of the turbines lit up by the moon. Alas the blades (ooo they'll never turn, it is not windy enough, pah hardly a fluff of wind) were flying round which meant a re think.

We found a couple of vantage points, I think this one works best as there is more colour (thankyou lightroom!).

The Wind Farm has created the usual storm of protest. I've avoided comment as although I know that they are never as good as the pro people say they are, they are also not as bad as the against people say (if that makes sense). My view on it is that if the Victorians had invented the technology then the countryside would be festooned with them and we'd all think they were great.

The other vantage point is here

Better large

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