A Wave On The Ocean

By Bensholto

Bloody Bank Holidays


I went out early for a blip opportunity as the weather reports were lousy for the day.

So this is the same field that I blipped on Saturday; just further up.

The power lines are something I've wanted to capture in a black and white landscape blip for a while, because DaveRI always seems to get power lines in his gorgeous black and white Americana blips.

Then we groomed the poodles for the best part of the day.
And the rain....it fell.

As I said elsewhere, no, "grooming the poodles" is NOT a euphemism, although I think it now should be.
I always thought poodles were poncey dogs; just like I'd seen on TV, with their weird little pom pom cuts, prancing around like on Krufts.
As with most things in my life, I was completely wrong.
They are funny, playful, boisterous, giddy dogs.
They also suit me down to the ground, as they moult very slowly, so I don't have an allergic reaction to them (as I do with many things.)
They just need grooming every few months, otherwise their fur grows like a doggy afro.


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