RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography

The Happy Couple

Today was the wedding for which I was the photographer, my wife the decorator and our daughter the bar tender. Things got going at 8:30 in the morning with a trip to the venue by boat (the only way to get there) to decorate and take bride and groom photos. This is their favorite (I know this because it became her Facebook profile photo the minute I uploaded a selection from this early morning photo shoot). Tasks were completed about 11:00, so we had a couple hours rest before the start of the festivities at 13:00. The only wrinkle in the whole photo thing was that I was also the best man, so my daughter ably filled in taking shots while I was standing at the front and signing the necessary papers. We caught a boat back across the bay around 18:00 with other revelers from this fun, but exhausting, day.

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