Halfway to Paradise - or Siberia

Thailand 2017, Day 23
Today we spotted a chap that we had last seen standing on his head when we were in Koh Ngai. C got talking to him today, and he is a yoga master from Siberia and is quite a character. I think that the closest that I've ever come to Siberia before was John Lewis's Siberian Snow Goose Down Pillows. Evidently he travels around these islands for about 6 months a year, and returns to Siberia for the other 6 months. He is almost 70 years old and as fit as a flea without an ounce of excess flesh on him. 
He told C not to take any marijuana. Well that's it then. No marijuana for him in future!  (I don't think either of us would know what it was if it was in front of us.) Mr Siberia did a few more headstands before we went our separate ways.
Later on we walked along a jungle path to a beach on the other side of the island. This is where I took my main photo. There was a lot of driftwood and ancient ropes on the beach and rocks, and I liked the faded shades. You may also be able to see the catamaran at anchor just a little way off shore, which is quite an unusual sight around here.
On our way back we came across a place called "Paradise Lost" which was in a clearing in the jungle, and really did look very inviting, with a lovely lawn and a garden planted with beautiful tropical plants and ferns. There were bamboo bungalows to rent and also a restaurant, so we stopped there for our lunch.  It is run by an Italian man, so I chose pasta with Gorgonzola which may seem a bit strange in Thailand, but it made a nice change.  We ate our lunch there, and it was excellent. When we came to pay and leave I realised that when I had put what I thought was a 1,000 Baht note in my purse, it was actually 20 Baht. The bill came to about 700 Baht so it meant one of us would have to return to our bungalow to fetch the cash and then walk back again (quite a distance in the heat as well). The Italian chap would have none of it, and told us we could pay another day, which was very trusting of him. 
When we returned to where we are staying I looked it up on t'internet, and the bungalows are fully booked for quite some time, otherwise we might have returned to there for a couple of nights on our way back up north. That's what we love about island hopping - we never know where we are going next.
My extras are C and Mr Siberia having a tete a tete around a palm tree, and also the supply boat being unloaded.

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