Wilton wolf

Up at 4, pack the family into the car and head off through the snow to the airport. We arrive an hour before departure, but the queues at security are extreme and in the end we have to queue jump and run through the airport to get on the plane.

At Southampton we pick up a hire car and drive effortlessly to Bedwyn, arriving in time for coffee at 10. Megan & Angus grab a couple of hours sleep. Claire & I don't, although maybe I should have. Instead we talk to Hal, a cousin over from Australia for the birthday celebrations, complete with family tree.

Lunch is at The Swan in Wilton. They struggle to cope with our party of 30, even though we all ordered our courses in advance. Mum enjoys the party, her family tactically distributed among her local networks of retirees. The food is good, the conversation continuous, but it's hard going. By four, I'm glad when mum asks us to leave (to give the rest of the guests a hint).

Back at the cottage we're stuffed. Angus goes back to bed. I lie down for a bit, Surface, watch University Challenge, sip a whisky and retire for good before 9. Jol goes dancing in Swindon.

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