Today our older grandson is 22 years old, but I can’t Blip him because we aren’t seeing him - and even when we took him out on Friday for lunch, he didn’t want his photograph taken, so we respected that.  Those of you with young grandchildren, take the photographs while you can - because although older grandchildren may like taking selfies, they aren’t that keen on grandparents taking photographs!

However, we did ring and leave a birthday song on his voicemail earlier and then rang him again later to speak to him in person, which was good.

After a good service at church, we went along a lane not far from where we live and found this tree, which I had earmarked a couple of weeks ago for Derelict Sunday.  Not sure what sort of tree it is - Mr. HCB thinks either an oak or beech, but it makes a good Blip for the DS challenge.

As it’s another grey and mizzley day, we are now back home and have just had some warming soup - and tonight’s meal is smelling good in the slow cooker.  Mr. HCB is watching some downhill ski racing on the television and I’m going to do some decluttering on my computer.  He and our friend didn’t come to blows last night whilst watching the football, but suffice to say that Mr. HCB needed tissues to wipe his eyes!

Hope you all have a good week and stay safe.  

“A stricken tree, 
     a living thing, 
          so beautiful, 
               so dignified, 
                    so admirable 
in its potential longevity, 
     is, next to man, 
          perhaps the most touching 
               of wounded objects.” 
Edna Ferber :  A Kind of Magic

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