So pleased

The family were so pleased to have us home they took us out for Sunday lunch - very nice it was too!

It's getting increasingly difficult to manage what happens at Mom and Dad's, particularly in the morning when Mom gets up briefly to do her insulin, have some cereal and then decides that she wants to go back to bed, irrespective of whether or not they are due to go out. She then stays in bed , sometimes until the afternoon.

So, this morning, when I got to church, I got a message from SHH to tell me that he'd had a phone call from Dad to say that Mom wouldn't get up, didn't want to go to church, didn't want to go out to lunch, and would I go round as she might get up for me.  I went round as soon as I could, about an hour or so later.  He had must managed to get her up but that was it.

As you can see, we did go out for lunch and we had a very nice time.  We do have to make all the decisions for Mom on such an occasion and their are moments of extreme anxiety.  I do worry that if she continues to stay in bed so much that one day she just will not get up at all and then we will be on a very slippery slope.

One of my reasons for writing this journal is to track Mom's dementia, to see stages and to understand a little where things are going.  This is where we are today.  A world of uncertainty, fear and frustration, clinging to those lovely moments of joy when we laugh and joke together and forget that the daughter has become the mother and the mother needs so much love and care, and we just enjoy ourselves.

Th holiday is over for now, but there will be another one!  How fortunate am I?

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