Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo

A Walk on the WildSide

It was snowing first thing but it wasn't sticking thankfully.

I have been awake most of the night due to pain, I can only take painkillers every four hours so I took some at 3.30am then tried to sleep on and off usually the pills have knocked me out.

I put my hand down at the side of my bed and felt a warm head pushing back, next minute as gentle as can be Kanga jumped next to me on the bed and sat with me for ages, it's a high jump even for a bigger chi like Kanga, we cuddled for ages until I managed to sleep.(Kanga was like this when I lost my dad very loving yet so out of her character).

Today is Chingars birthday, Chingar was Theo's blood sister so it would've been Theo's birthday today, she shared a pack of salmon treats with the other chis.

We had a little walk down our local canal, just to blow away the cobwebs.

Tomorrow i will phone my consultant and mention I can't live on painkillers for two weeks.

I have two weeks off work now, I hate it, I hate sitting round resting, it's not me.

But for once I'll listen.

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