'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

Snowdrops instead of ...

...snow flurries.

Three beautiful things:
Another day spent paddling. This time the section of the Dart called the Loop running from Newbridge to Holne Weir. My favourite part was getting down Lover's Leap without realising I was paddling my nemesis! I had a very happy face indeed! One swim on Triple 1 - due to the stopper sucking me backing in and launching me back in to the air! All good fun.

A late afternoon walk along another river with the dogs, admiring all the snowdrops and spotting 4 Goosanders happily swimming as well as a couple of Dippers.

A perfectly cooked jacket potato with plenty of melting butter - comfort food for a cold winter's day.

One thing to be grateful for:

No alarm clock needed for tomorrow.

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